Ketika itu, Tuhan telah bekerja enam hari lamanya. Kini giliran diciptakan para ibu. Seorang malaikat menghampiri Tuhan dan berkata lembut: "Tuhan, banyak sekali waktu yang Tuhan habiskan untuk menciptakan ibu ini?" Dan Tuhan menjawab pelan: "Tidakkah kau lihat perician yang harus dikerjakan?" Lalu, Tuhan pun menunjukkan perincian pekerjaannya:

1. Ibu ini harus waterproof (tahan air/cuci) tapi bukan dari plastik
2. Harus terdiri dari 180 bagian yang lentur, lemas, tapi tidak cepat capai
3. Ia harus bisa hidup dari sedikit teh kental dan makanan seadanya
4. Memiliki kuping yang lebar untuk menampung keluhan
5. Memiliki ciuman yang dapat menyembuhkan kaki keseleo
6. Lidah yang manis untuk merekatkan hati yang patah, dan
7. Enam pasang tangan

Malaikat itu pun menggeleng-gelengkan kepalanya: Enam pasang tangan....? Tsk...Tsk..Tsk.."

"Tentu saja! Bukan tangan yang merepotkan Saya, melainkan tangan yang melayani sana-sini, mengatur segalanya menjadi lebih baik..." balas Tuhan.
Lalu, Tuhan melanjutkan membaca daftarnya

8. Juga tiga pasang mata yang harus dimiliki seorang ibu

Malaikat semakin heran "Bagaimana modelnya?" Tuhan mengangguk-angguk, "Sepasang mata yang dapat menembus pintu yang tertutup rapat dan bertanya: 'Apa yang sedang kau lakukan di situ?', padahal sepasang mata itu sudah mengetahui jawabannya."
"Sepasang mata kedua sebaiknya diletakkan di belakang kepalanya, sehingga ia bisa melihat ke belakang tanpa menoleh. Artinya, ia dapat melihat apa yang sebenarnya tak boleh ia lihat dan sepasang mata ketiga untuk menatap lembut seorang anak yang mengakui kekeliruannya. Mata itu harus bisa bicara! Mata itu harus berkata: 'Saya mengerti dan saya sayang padamu'. Meskipun tidak diucapkan sepatah kata pun"
"Tuhan", kata malaikat itu lagi, "Istirahatlah.." Jawab Tuhan, "Saya tidak bisa, saya sudah hampir selesai."

9. Ia harus bisa menyembuhkan diri sendiri kalau sakit
10. Ia harus bisa memberi makan 6 orang dengan satu setengah ons daging
11. Ia juga harus menyuruh anak umur 9 tahun mandi pada saat anak itu tidak ingin mandi...

Akhirnya malaikat membalik-balik contoh Ibu dengan perlahan. "Terlalu lunak", katanya memberi komentar. "Tapi kuat!!", kata Tuhan bersemangat. "Tak akan kau bayangkan betapa banyaknya yang bisa ia tanggung, pikul, dan derita."
"Apakah ia dapat berpikir?", tanya malaikat lagi.
"Ia bukan hanya bisa berpikir, tapi ia juga dapat memberi gagasan, ide, dan berkompromi," kata Sang Pencipta. Akhirnya, malaikta menyentuh sesuatu di pipi, "Eh, ada kebocoran di sini."

"Itu bukan kebocoran," kata Tuhan. "Itu adalah air mata..... air mata kesenangan, air mata kesedihan, air mata kekecewaan, air mata kesakitan, air mata kesepian, air mata kebanggaan, air mata......., air mata......"(Tuhan tidak habis-habisnya meneruskan pembicarannya tentang ciptaan-Nya itu).

"Tuhan memang ahlinya....," Malaikat berkata pelan.


Martin Luther King Jr. berkata, "Jadilah tukang sapu jalanan layaknya Michael Angelo melukis atau Shakespeare menulis puisi, sehingga segenap penghuni bumi akan tertegun lalu berujar, Wahai inilah tukang sapu jalan yang melakukan tugasnya dengan baik." Bekerja dengan baik, itulah yang ditempuh banyak orang untuk mencapai keberhasilan. Kemmons mencium kebutuhan pelancong akan motel sederhana tapi bersih, ia pun mendirikan Holliday Inns.

Sam Walton bercita-cita membangun jaringan toko kelontong dengan harga murah dan pelayanan ramah, hasilnya Wal-Mart, jaringan pasar swalayan terbesar di AS.
Menjadi orang sukses tak perlu menunggu punya gelar, mulailah sekarang juga. Pilih hal yang sederhana baru kemudian mengembangkannya. Misalnya, adakah yang lebih sederhana dari menjawab telepon? Tapi berapa orang yang bisa melakukannya dengan baik? saya harus mewawancarai puluhan pelamar sebelum menemukan seorang resepsionis yang mampu menjawab dan berbicara melalui telepon dengan baik.
Bersungguh-sungguhlah melakukan apapun, entah itu berkebun, berbenah rumah, mencuci, memasak, dll. Bila ada pelayan hotel terbaik di dunia yang membersihkan kamar hotel sebagai kerja seni; atau juru masak yang mengesankan tamu dengan hidangan sederhana tapi disiapkan dengan lezatnya; atau pramuniaga yang melayani pelanggan seperti melayani orang terpenting di dunia, Saya yakin orang akan berebut mempekerjakan dan membayar mereka dengan gaji tinggi.

Pelajari minat, bakat, dan kemampuan anda. Peluang tidak pernah berujung. Banyak orang yang tidak kreatif dengan kemampuannya sendiri. Mereka malah mengharapkan kemampuan yang tidak dimiliki, sementara kemampuan sendiri tidak dimanfaatkan. Ini ibarat orang yang pendek kecil menghampiri kawannya yang tinggi besar, lalu berkata : "Kalau badanku sebesar kamu, akan kurambah gunung, kutangkap beruang besar, lalu kurobek-robek badannya." Si besar menatap si kecil sambil tersenyum, "Beruang kecil kan juga banyak di hutan!"

Renungkanlah itu. Anda pernah mengeluh karena tidak mampu mengatasi beruang besar, sementara beruang-beruang kecil yang bisa anda atasi menari-nari di sekitar Anda. Kita mesti mau memanfaatkan apa yang kita punyai, di mana pun kita berada, dan mengambil yang terbaik dari situ. Rahasia yang mengubah orang menjadi pemenang: lakukanlah hal yang biasa dengan cara yang luar biasa. Juga harap diingat: Pemenang selalu mencari jalan untuk menang, sementara pecundang mencari dalih jikalau kalah.


Pada hari pernikahanku, aku membopong istriku. Mobil pengantin berhenti didepan flat kami yg cuma berkamar satu. Sahabat-sahabatku menyuruhku untuk membopongnya begitu keluar dari mobil. Jadi kubopong ia memasuki rumah kami. Ia kelihatan malu-malu. Aku adalah seorang pengantin pria yg sangat bahagia. Ini adalah kejadian 10 tahun yg lalu.

Hari-hari selanjutnya berlalu demikian simpel seperti secangkir air bening : Kami mempunyai seorang anak, saya terjun ke dunia usaha dan berusaha untuk menghasilkan banyak uang. Begitu kemakmuran meningkat, jalinan kasih diantara kami pun semakin surut. Ia adalah pegawai sipil. Setiap pagi kami berangkat kerja bersama-sama dan sampai dirumah juga pada waktu yg bersamaan. Anak kami sedang belajar di luar negeri. Perkawinan kami kelihatan bahagia. Tapi ketenangan hidup berubah dipengaruhi oleh perubahan yg tidak kusangka-sangka, Dew hadir dalam kehidupanku.Waktu itu adalah hari yg cerah. Aku berdiri di balkon dengan Dew yg sedang merangkulku. Hatiku sekali lagi terbenam dalam aliran cintanya. Ini adalah apartemen yg kubelikan untuknya.Dew berkata, “kamu adalah jenis pria terbaik yg menarik para gadis.” Kata-katanya tiba-tiba mengingatkanku pada istriku. Ketika kami baru menikah, istriku pernah berkata, “Pria sepertimu, begitu sukses, akan menjadi sangat menarik bagi para gadis.” Berpikir tentang ini, Aku menjadi ragu-ragu. Aku tahu kalau aku telah menghianati istriku. Tapi aku tidak sanggup menghentikannya.Aku melepaskan tangan Dew dan berkata, “kamu harus pergi membeli beberapa perabot, O.K.?.Aku ada sedikit urusan dikantor”. Kelihatan ia jadi tidak senang karena aku telah berjanji menemaninya. Pada saat tersebut, ide perceraian menjadi semakin jelas dipikiranku walaupun kelihatan tidak mungkin.Bagaimanapun, aku merasa sangat sulit untuk membicarakan hal ini pada istriku. Walau bagaimanapun ku jelaskan, ia pasti akan sangat terluka.Sejujurnya ia adalah seorang istri yg baik. Setiap malam ia sibuk menyiapkan makan malam. Aku duduk santai didepan TV. Makan malam segera tersedia. Lalu kami akan menonton TV sama-sama. Atau aku akan menghidupkan komputer, membayangkan tubuh Dew. Ini adalah hiburan bagiku.Suatu hari aku berbicara dalam guyon, “seandainya kita bercerai, apa yg akan kau lakukan? ” Ia menatap padaku selama beberapa detik tanpa bersuara. Kenyataannya ia percaya bahwa perceraian adalah sesuatu yg sangat jauh dari dirinya. Aku tidak bisa membayangkan bagaimana ia akan menghadapi kenyataan jika tahu bahwa aku serius.ketika istriku mengunjungi kantorku, Dew baru saja keluar dari ruanganku. Hampir seluruh staff menatap istriku dengan mata penuh simpati dan berusaha untuk menyembunyikan segala sesuatu selama berbicara dengannya. Dia kelihatan sedikit curiga. Dia berusaha tersenyum pada bawahan-bawahanku. Tapi aku membaca ada kelukaan di matanya. Sekali lagi, Dew berkata padaku,”He Ning, ceraikan ia, O.K.? Lalu kita akan hidup bersama.” Aku mengangguk. Aku tahu aku tidak boleh ragu-ragu lagi. Ketika malam itu istriku menyiapkan makan malam, aku memegang tangannya. “Ada sesuatu yg harus kukatakan”. Ia duduk diam dan makan tanpa bersuara. Sekali lagi aku melihat ada luka dimatanya. Tiba-tiba aku tidak tahu harus berkata apa. Tapi ia tahu kalau aku terus berpikir. “Aku ingin bercerai”, ku ungkapkan topik ini dengan serius tapi tenang. Ia seperti tidak terpengaruh oleh kata-kataku,tapi ia bertanya secara lembut,”kenapa?” “Aku serius.”Aku menghindari pertanyaannya. Jawaban ini membuat ia sangat marah. Ia melemparkan sumpit dan berteriak kepadaku, “Kamu bukan laki-laki!”.

Pada malam itu, kami sekali saling membisu. Ia sedang menangis. Aku tahu kalau ia ingin tahu apa yg telah terjadi dengan perkawinan kami. Tapi aku tidak bisa memberikan jawaban yg memuaskan sebab hatiku telah dibawa pergi oleh Dew. Dengan perasaan yg amat bersalah, aku menuliskan surai perceraian dimana istriku memperoleh rumah, mobil dan 30% saham dari perusahaanku. Ia memandangnya sekilas dan Mengoyaknya jadi beberapa bagian. Aku merasakan sakit dalam hati. Wanita yg telah 10 tahun hidup bersamaku sekarang menjadi seorang yg asing dalam hidupku. Tapi aku tidak bisa menarik kembali apa yg telah kuucapkan.

Akhirnya ia menangis dengan keras didepanku, dimana hal tersebut tidak pernah kulihat sebelumnya. Bagiku, tangisannya merupakan suatu pembebasan untukku. Ide perceraian telah menghantuiku dalam beberapa minggu ini dan sekarang sungguh-sungguh telah terjadi.

Pada larut malam, aku kembali ke rumah setelah menemui klienku. Aku melihat ia sedang menulis sesuatu. Karena capek aku segera ketiduran. Ketika aku terbangun tengah malam, aku melihat ia masih menulis. Aku tertidur kembali.
Ia menuliskan syarat-syarat dari perceraiannya : ia tidak menginginkan apapun dariku, tapi aku harus memberikan waktu sebulan sebelum menceraikannya, dan dalam waktu sebulan itu kami harus hidup bersama seperti biasanya. Alasannya sangat sederhana : Anak kami akan segera menyelesaikan pendidikannya dan liburannya adalah sebulan lagi dan ia tidak ingin anak kami melihat kehancuran rumah tangga kami.

Ia menyerahkan persyaratan tersebut dan bertanya,” He Ning, apakah kamu masih ingat bagaimana aku memasuki rumah kita ketika pada hari pernikahan kita? Pertanyaan ini tiba-tiba mengembalikan beberapa kenangan indah kepadaku. Aku mengangguk dan mengiyakan. “Kamu membopongku dilenganmu”, katanya, “jadi aku punya sebuah permintaan, yaitu kamu akan tetap membopongku pada waktu perceraian kita. Dari sekarang sampai akhir bulan ini, setiap pagi kamu harus membopongku keluar dari kamar tidur ke pintu.” Aku menerima dengan senyum. Aku tahu ia merindukan beberapa kenangan indah yg telah berlalu dan berharap perkawinannya diakhiri dengan suasana

Aku memberitahukan Dew soal syarat-syarat perceraian dari istriku. Ia tertawa keras dan berpikir itu tidak ada gunanya. “Bagaimanapun trik yg ia lakukan, ia harus menghadapi hasil dari perceraian ini,” ia mencemooh Kata- katanya membuatku merasa tidak enak.

Istriku dan aku tidak mengadakan kontak badan lagi sejak kukatakan perceraian itu. kami saling menganggap orang asing. Jadi ketika aku membopongnya dihari pertama, kami kelihatan salah tingkah. Anak kami menepuk punggung kami,”wah, papa membopong mama, mesra sekali”. Kata-katanya membuatku merasa sakit. Dari kamar tidur ke ruang duduk, lalu ke pintu, aku berjalan 10 meter dengan dirinya dalam lenganku. Ia Memejamkan mata dan berkata dengan lembut,”mari kita mulai hari ini, jangan memberitahukan pada anak kita.” Aku mengangguk, merasa sedikit bimbang. Aku melepaskan ia di pintu. Ia pergi menunggu bus, dan aku pergi ke kantor.

Pada hari kedua, bagi kami terasa lebih mudah. Ia merebah di dadaku, Kami begitu dekat sampai-sampai aku bisa mencium wangi di bajunya. Aku menyadari bahwa aku telah sangat lama tidak melihat dengan mesra wanita ini. Aku melihat bahwa ia tidak muda lagi. Beberapa kerut tampak di wajahnya.

Pada hari ketiga, ia berbisik padaku, “kebun diluar sedang dibongkar. Hati-hati kalau kamu lewat sana.” Hari keempat,ketika aku membangunkannya, aku merasa kalau kami masih mesra seperti sepasang suami istri dan aku masih membopong kekasihku dilenganku.

Bayangan Dew menjadi samar.

Pada hari kelima dan keenam, ia masih mengingatkan aku beberapa hal, seperti dimana ia telah menyimpan baju-bajuku yg telah ia setrika, aku harus hati-hati saat memasak, dll. Aku mengangguk. Perasaan kedekatan terasa semakin erat.

Aku tidak memberitahu Dew tentang hal ini. Aku merasa begitu ringan membopongnya. Berharap setiap hari pergi ke kantor bisa membuatku semakin kuat. Aku berkata padanya, “kelihatannya tidaklah sulit membopongmu sekarang”

Ia sedang mencoba pakaiannya, aku sedang menunggu untuk membopongnya keluar. Ia berusaha mencoba beberapa tapi tidak bisa menemukan yg cocok. Lalu ia melihat, “semua pakaianku kebesaran”. Aku tersenyum. Tapi tiba-tiba aku menyadarinya, sebab ia semakin kurus, itu sebabnya aku bisa membopongnya dengan ringan bukan disebabkan aku semakin kuat. Aku tahu ia mengubur semua kesedihannya dalam hati. Sekali lagi, aku merasakan perasaan sakit.

Tanpa sadar ku sentuh kepalanya. Anak kami masuk pada saat tersebut. “Pa, sudah waktunya membopong mama keluar.” Baginya, melihat papanya sedang membopong mamanya keluar menjadi bagian yg penting. Ia memberikan isyarat agar anak kami mendekatinya dan merangkulnya dengan erat. Aku membalikkan wajah sebab aku takut aku akan berubah pikiran pada detik terakhir. Aku menyanggah ia dilenganku, berjalan dari kamar tidur, melewati ruang duduk ke teras. Tangannya memegangku secara lembut dan alami. aku menyanggah badannya dengan kuat seperti kami kembali ke hari pernikahan kami. Tapi ia kelihatan agak pucat dan kurus, membuatku sedih.

Pada hari terakhir, ketika aku membopongnya dilenganku, aku melangkah dengan berat. Anak kami telah kembali ke sekolah. Ia berkata, “sesungguhnya aku berharap kamu akan membopongku sampai kita tua.” Aku memeluknya dengan kuat dan berkata “antara kita saling tidak menyadari bahwa kehidupan kita begitu mesra”.

Aku melompat turun dari mobil tanpa sempat menguncinya. Aku takut keterlambatan akan membuat pikiranku berubah. Aku menaiki tangga. Dew membuka pintu. Aku berkata padanya,” Maaf Dew, aku tidak ingin bercerai. Aku serius”.

Ia melihat kepadaku, kaget. Ia menyentuh dahiku. “Kamu tidak demam.” Kutepiskan tanganya dari dahiku. “Maaf Dew, aku cuma bisa bilang maaf padamu, aku tidak ingin bercerai. Kehidupan rumah tanggaku membosankan disebabkan ia dan aku tidak bisa merasakan nilai-nilai dari kehidupan, bukan disebabkan kami tidak saling mencintai lagi. Sekarang aku mengerti sejak aku membopongnya masuk ke rumahku, ia telah melahirkan anakku. Aku akan menjaganya sampai tua. Jadi aku minta maaf padamu”.

Dew tiba-tiba seperti tersadar. Ia memberikan tamparan keras kepadaku dan menutup pintu dengan kencang dan tangisannya meledak. Aku menuruni tangga dan pergi ke kantor.

Dalam perjalanan aku melewati sebuah toko bunga. Ku pesan sebuah buket bunga kesayangan istriku. Penjualnya bertanya apa yg mesti ia tulis dalam kartu ucapan? Aku tersenyum dan menulis : “Aku akan membopongmu setiap pagi sampai kita tua.”


Masa usia dini merupakan periode emas (golden age) bagi perkembangan anak untuk memperoleh proses pendidikan. Periode ini adalah. Masa usia dini merupakan periode emas (golden age) bagi perkembangan anak untuk memperoleh proses pendidikan. Periode ini adalah tahun-tahun berharga bagi seorang anak untuk mengenali berbagai macam fakta di lingkungannya sebagai stimulans terhadap perkembangan kepribadian, psikomotor, kognitif maupun sosialnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sekitar 50% kapabilitas kecerdasan orang dewasa telah terjadi ketika anak berumur 4 tahun, 80% telah terjadi ketika berumur 8 tahun, dan mencapai titik kulminasi ketika anak berumur sekitar 18 tahun (Direktorat PAUD, 2004). Hal ini berarti bahwa perkembangan yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu 4 tahun pertama sama besarnya dengan perkembangan yang terjadi pada kurun waktu 14 tahun berikutnya. Sehingga periode emas ini merupakan periode kritis bagi anak, dimana perkembangan yang diperoleh pada periode ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan periode berikutnya hingga masa dewasa. Sementara masa emas ini hanya datang sekali, sehingga apabila terlewat berarti habislah peluangnya. Untuk itu pendidikan untuk usia dini dalam bentuk pemberian rangsangan-rangsangan (stimulasi) dari lingkungan terdekat sangat diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan kemampuan anak.

Pemerintah Indonesia telah memperkenalkan panduan stimulasi dalam program Bina Keluarga Balita (BKB) sejak tahun 1980, namun implementasinya belum memasyarakat. Hasil penelitian Herawati (2002) di Bogor menemukan bahwa dari 265 keluarga yang diteliti, hanya terdapat 15% yang mengetahui program BKB. Faktor penentu lain dari kurang memasyarakatnya program BKB adalah rendahnya tingkat partisipasi orang tua. Kemudian pada tahun 2001, pemerintah melalui Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Luar Sekolah dan Pemuda mengeluarkan program PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini). Namun keberadaan program tersebut sampai saat ini belum menjangkau tingkat pedesaan secara merata, sehingga belum dapat diakses langsung oleh masyarakat. Pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan pendidikan yang sangat mendasar dan strategis dalam pembangunan sumberdaya manusia. Tidak mengherankan apabila banyak negara menaruh perhatian yang sangat besar terhadap penyelenggaraan pendidikan anak usia dini. Di Indonesia sesuai pasal 28 Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, pendidikan anak usia telah ditempatkan sejajar dengan pendidikan lainnya. Bahkan pada puncak acara peringatan Hari Anak Nasional tanggal 23 Juli 2003, Presiden Republik Indonesia telah mencanangkan pelaksanaan pendidikan anak usia dini di seluruh Indonesia demi kepentingan terbaik anak Indonesia (Direktorat PAUD, 2004).

PAUD Berbasis Aqidah Islam

Tujuan pendidikan Islam adalah membentuk generasi berkualitas pemimpin, yakni :
- Berkepribadian Islam
- Menguasai tsaqofah Islam
- Menguasai ilmu kehidupan (sains dan teknologi) yang memadai.

Apabila ke tiga tujuan ini tercapai, maka akan terwujudlah generasi pemimpin yang individunya memiliki ciri sebagai insan yang sholeh/sholehah, sehat, cerdas dan peduli bangsa.

Setiap orang harus siap untuk menjadi pemimpin. Karena kepemimpinan itu sebuah sunatullah dan merupakan amanah yang akan dimintai pertanggungjawabannya oleh Allah SWT kelak. Sebagaimana ditegaskan didalam sabda Rasulullah SAW: “Setiap kalian adalah pemimpin dan akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas kepemimpinannya..."
HR. Bukhori, Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Tirmidzi dari Ibnu Umar).

Upaya untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan Islam ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan sistem hidup Islam. Sebagai bagian yang menyatu (integral) dari sistem kehidupan Islam, pendidikan memperoleh masukan dari supra sistem, yakni keluarga dan masyarakat atau lingkungan, dan memberikan hasil/keluaran bagi suprasistem tersebut. Sementara sub-sub sistem yang membentuk sistem pendidikan antara lain adalah tujuan pendidikan itu sendiri, anak didik (pelajar/mahasiswa), manajemen, struktur dan jadwal waktu, materi, tenaga pendidik/pengajar dan pelaksana, alat bantu belajar, teknologi, fasilitas, kendali mutu, penelitian dan biaya pendidikan.

Interaksi fungsional antar subsistem pendidikan dikenal sebagai proses pendidikan. Proses pendidikan dapat terjadi di mana saja, sehingga berdasarkan pengorganisasian serta struktur dan tempat terjadinya proses tersebut dikenal adanya pendidikan sekolah dan pendidikan luar sekolah. Melalui proses ini diperoleh hasil pendidikan yang mengacu pada tujuan pendidikan yang telah ditentukan.

Untuk menjaga kesinambungan proses pendidikan dalam menjabarkan pencapaian tujuan pendidikan, maka keberadaan kurikulum pendidikan yang integral menjadi suatu kebutuhan yang tak terelakkan. Kurikulum pendidikan integral sangatlah khas dan unik. Kurikulum ini memiliki ciri- ciri yang sangat menonjol pada arah, azas, dan tujuan pendidikan, unsur-unsur pelaksana pendidikan serta pada struktur kurikulumnya.

Azas pendidikan Islam adalah aqidah Islam. Azas ini berpengaruh dalam penyusunan kurikulum pendidikan, sistem belajar mengajar, kualifikasi guru, budaya yang dikembangkan dan interaksi diantara semua komponen penyelenggara pendidikan. Yang dimaksud dengan menjadikan aqidah Islam sebagai azas atau dasar dari ilmu pengetahuan adalah menjadikan aqidah Islam sebagai standar penilaian. Dengan istilah lain, aqidah Islam difungsikan sebagai kaidah atau tolak ukur pemikiran dan perbuatan. Oleh sebab itu, implementasi pendidikan anak usia dini adalah PAUD BAI.

Pihak-Pihak yang Berperan dalam PAUD

Pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan pendidikan anak usia dini adalah pemerintah (negara), masyarakat dan keluarga. Keluarga adalah institusi pertama yang melakukan pendidikan dan pembinaan terhadap anak (generasi). Disanalah pertama kali dasar?dasar kepribadian anak dibangun. Anak dibimbing bagaimana ia mengenal Penciptanya agar kelak ia hanya mengabdi kepada Sang Pencipta Allah SWT. Demikian pula dengan pengajaran perilaku dan budi pekerti anak yang didapatkan dari sikap keseharian orangtua ketika bergaul dengan mereka. Bagaimana ia diajarkan untuk memilih kalimat?kalimat yang baik, sikap sopan santun, kasih sayang terhadap saudara dan orang lain. Mereka diajarkan untuk memilih cara yang benar ketika memenuhi kebutuhan hidup dan memilih barang halal yang akan mereka gunakan. Kesimpulannya, potensi dasar untuk membentuk generasi berkualitas dipersiapkan oleh keluarga.

Masyarakat yang menjadi lingkungan anak menjalani aktivitas sosialnya mempunyai peran yang besar dalam mempengaruhi baik buruknya proses pendidikan, karena anak satu bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari masyarakat. Interaksi dalam lingkungan ini sangat diperlukan dan berpengaruh dalam pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak, baik secara fisik maupun biologis. Oleh sebab itu masalah?masalah yang akan dihadapi anak ketika berinteraksi dalam masyarakat harus difahami agar kita dapat mengupayakan solusinya. Masyarakat yang terdiri dari sekumpulan orang yang mempunyai pemikiran dan perasaan yang sama serta interaksi mereka diatur dengan aturan yang sama, tatkala masing?masing memandang betapa pentingnya menjaga suasana kondusif bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan generasi maka semua orang akan sepakat memandang mana perkara-perkara yang akan membawa pengaruh positif dan mana yang membawa pengaruh negatif bagi pendidikan generasi. Sedapat mungkin perkara negatif yang akan menjerumuskan anak akan dicegah bersama. Disinilah peran masyarakat sebagai kontrol sosial untuk terwujudnya generasi ideal. Masyarakat yang menjadi lingkungan hidup generasi tidak saja para tetangganya tetapi juga termasuk sekolah dan masyarakat dalam satu negara. Karena itu para tetangga, para pendidik dan juga pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara urusan negara bertanggung jawab dalam proses pendidikan generasi.

Selain keluarga dan sekolah, partai dan organisasi masyarakat seperti majelis ta’lim, mempunyai peran dalam melahirkan generasi berkualitas pemimpin. Disanalah generasi akan dibina untuk menjadi politikus yang ulung dan tangguh. Oleh sebab itu, partai dan ormas ini juga berperan dalam membina para ibu agar ibu dapat mendidik generasi secara baik dan benar. Dari seluruh pihak yang mempunyai tanggungjawab dalam mendidik generasi cerdas, generasi peduli bangsa, tentu negaralah yang mempunyai peran terbesar dan terpenting dalam menjamin berlangsungnya proses pendidikan generasi.

Negara bertanggung jawab mengatur suguhan yang ditayangkan dalam media elektronik dan juga mengatur dan mengawasi penerbitan seluruh media cetak. Negara berkewajiban menindak perilaku penyimpangan yang berdampak buruk pada masyarakat dll. Negara sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan generasi yang utama, wajib mencukupi segala sarana untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan umat secara layak. Atas dasar ini negara wajib menyempurnakan pendidikan bebas biaya bagi seluruh rakyatnya. Kebijakan pendidikan bebas biaya akan membuka peluang yang sebesar?besarnya bagi setiap individu rakyat untuk mengenyam pendidikan, sehingga pendidikan tidak hanya menyentuh kalangan tertentu (yang mampu) saja, dan tidak lagi dijadikan ajang bisnis yang bisa mengurangi mutu pendidikan itu sendiri. Padahal mutu pendidikan sangat mempengaruhi corak generasi yang dihasilkannya.

Negara wajib menyediakan tenaga-tenaga pendidik yang handal. Mereka yang memiliki kepribadian Islam yang luhur, punya semangat pengabdian yang tinggi dan mengerti filosofi pendidikan generasi serta cara?cara yang harus dilakukannya, karena mereka adalah tauladan bagi anak didiknya. Kelemahan sifat pada pendidik berpengaruh besar terhadap pola pendidikan generasi. Seorang guru tidak hanya menjadi penyampai ilmu pada muridnya tetapi ia seorang pendidik dan pembina generasi. Agar para pendidik bersemangat dalam menjalankan tugasnya tentu saja negara harus menjamin kehidupan materi mereka. Ini dapat memberi motivasi lebih pada mereka meski tugas mereka tidak ditujukan semata untuk memperoleh materi, tetapi merupakan ibadah yang mempunyai nilai tersendiri di sisi Allah SWT. Betapa besar jasa para pendidik yang hingga ada ungkapan: "Guru adalah pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa". Tentu saja pengabdian mereka harus mendapat penghargaan, dan ini merupakan tanggungjawab negara.


Dirgahayu Akademi Militer (1957-2007)
Perlu saya jelaskan sekilas tentang Pandu Sakti berdasarkan penjelasan dari Kapten Inf Aji Mimbarno (pada website pandusakti_97).
"Segala sesuatu yang berawal sudah pasti akan berakhir pula, demikian yang kita jalani bersama pada masa pendidikan di almamater LEMBAH TIDAR tercinta ini selama kurun waktu tiga tahun lima bulan dan berakhir pada bulan Desember 1997. Suka maupun duka yang kita jalani bersama merupakan kenangan indah sepanjang perjalanan hidup kita, yang merupakan ikatan batin, jiwa korsa yang tertanam disetiap dada selama taruna AKADEMI MILITER lulusan 1997 yang sama-sama di gembleng di Lembah Tidar.
Tahun 1997 adalah tahun dimana AKADEMI MILITER melaksanakan hari jadinya yang ke-40, bertepatan dengan hari jadinya yang ke panca windu kami alumni 1997 dilahirkan menjadi seorang perwira. Sekali lagi seraya memohon petunjuk dari Allah serta atas berkat rahmat-Nya serta untuk kebersamaan diantara kami semua, kami memberikan nama alumni "PANDUSAKTI". Rekayasa sebutan tersebut dimaksudkan bukan untuk menunjukkan “Eklusivisme Angkatan” namun merupakan sarana untuk kebersamaan, kebanggaan, jiwakorsa serta loyalitas bagi kita semua alumni Taruna Akademi Militer lulusan 1997, yang pernah senasib sepenanggungan dalam meraih cita-cita.
Adapun "PANDU SAKTI" merupakan singkatan dari "Panca Windu Satria Kawah Tidar" yang mengandung nilai-nilai yang merupakan ciri khas kami : Lahir menjadi seorang perwira bertepatan pada hari jadi AKADEMI MILITER yang ke-40 (Panca Windu), besar harapan kami sebagai pandu-pandu ibu PERTIWI yang SAKTI.Semoga semangat dan wawasan kepribadian yang tersirat didalamnya dapat memberikan dorongan kepada kami semua didalam pengabdian kepada Nusa dan Bangsa tercinta. Kita patut meyakini, bahwa kiprah kita selanjutnya dimedan tugas akan lebih bermakna dimasa depan. Bagi kami semua hari esok harus lebih baik daripada hari ini, marilah kita galang kebersamaan, keterpaduan, dengan memelihara semangat, gairah maupun cita-cita, inilah harapan utama kami dengan Paguyuban "PANDU SAKTI". Kepada seluruh perwira Akmil 1997 ingatlah almamatermu, karena nama baik almamater terletak diatas pundakmu. Semoga Tuhan YME memberkati kita semua dalam pengabdian kepada nusa bangsa tercinta."

Dirgahayu Akademi Militer...Jayalah "PANDUSAKTI" !!! "Jiwa Ragaku untuk Bangsa dan Negaraku"


On July 31, the United Nations Security Council voted to authorize the creation of a peacekeeping mission to Sudan's Darfur region with a maximum strength of 20,000 military personnel and 6,000 police. After hundreds of thousands have been killed and millions driven from their home, can this intervention succeed? Only if we learn from the mistakes of the peacekeeping failures of the 1990s. The missteps that led to the failure of these missions can be understood (and avoided) using the basic principles of warfare taught by the Chinese general Sun Tzu in "The Art of War" over 2,000 years ago. Sun Tzu described five keys to victory:

1. "He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight." In peacekeeping, this is particularly important, since the UN force is inevitably weaker than the principal belligerents. The mission in Somalia, for example, failed the moment that UN and United States forces attempted to defeat the warlord Mohamed Farah Aidid militarily, becoming themselves belligerents in the conflict. This was ultimately the result of misconstruing the capabilities of the forces at their disposal and Mr. Aidid's militia.

2. "He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces." Peacekeeping is a delicate balance between violent and nonviolent tactics, and a mission's success depends on the ability of both the commander and the soldiers to deal with confrontations of various sorts.

In cases such as Darfur, Bosnia, and Rwanda – where crimes against humanity are likely to occur or are occurring on a large scale – the goal should be to keep the major belligerents as quiet as possible, while using force to suppress smaller elements as needed to protect the civilian population. This technique was used with some success by MONUC ­– the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo –­ on a limited scale. In 2005, bolstered by the deployment of 5,000 additional troops, UN forces began to fight ethnic militias that were destabilizing the Ituri region, while continuing to avoid antagonizing bigger military players. In Rwanda during the genocide of 1993-94, Canadian Lt. Gen. Roméo Dallaire, more than any UN force commander before or since, showed an understanding of these principles and how to apply them in an environment where military victory cannot be achieved and is not the goal. However, the last three of Sun Tzu's keys to victory proved to be almost impossible to achieve within the UN's command and control structure:

3. "He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks."

4. "He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared."

5. "He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign."

In Rwanda, a few of the UN battalions performed with great courage and skill, such as the Tunisians and Ghanaians, while others were less dependable and ultimately detracted from the mission. In the end, General Dallaire's lack of control over the mission prevented him from taking meaningful action. Both his plan to catch the Interahamwe militia, composed of Hutu extremists, off guard by seizing arms caches prior to the genocide and his request for reinforcements once the genocide of the Tutsis began were denied, and the UN Security Council withdrew the majority of the remaining forces.

The experience of these missions provides us with some insight into how to maximize the chances for success in Darfur. It is imperative that UNAMID, the joint UN-African Union peacekeeping mission to Darfur, avoid direct conflict with Sudanese government forces and the principal rebel groups. However, in order to protect civilians, they may have to crack down aggressively on the government-backed janjaweed militias.

The makeup of the force is very important. Large contingents from Tunisia and Ghana, whose soldiers have performed well on several UN missions, would go a long way toward strengthening the force, as would small contingents and military observers from Western countries with peacekeeping experience (such as Canada).

The UN should not try to manage events on the ground from New York; the force commander must have the ability to act when civilians are in danger.

The availability of additional forces can make the difference between success and failure. The UN's seldom-used rapid reaction force, SHIRBRIG, should be ready to deploy in support of UNAMID.


Step-1 :Exercise like an athlete. Working out like a professional athlete, full of determination and stamina, with attitude and strength resulting in the body.

Step-2 : Stay busy. For example if you dance like a maniac for two hours straight, you'll be sure to lose the weight.

3 :Keep focused and push yourself. To be careful with a drink and that can ruin a diet.

4 :Eat more calories than you burn during the day to gain weight. Most people who are overweight do this; they eat more than they burn off during the day.

5 :Buy anything and everything under the sun.


Should you be worried if the condom breaks during sex???

YES YES YES ! You have two things to worry about; pregnancy and contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

If you’re concerned about falling pregnant, ask your pharmacist for an emergency contraceptive pill, also known as the ‘morning-after pill’. If you take it within 72 hours of unprotected sex, you’ll have a 95% to 99% chance of preventing a pregnancy. If you’re concerned about STDs, visit your local clinic, hospital or doctor where you can be tested for anything you might be worried about.

Common Diseases to Look out for :-


If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to pelvic inflammation and result in infertility .The signs? Look out for more vaginal discharge than usual, a frequent, often burning need to pee, stomach pain, irregular periods and pain or bleeding during sex. Sometimes you can have chlamydia without showing any symptoms, so it’s important to ask your doctor for a test if you think you may be at risk.


Also referred to as ‘the clap’, gonorrhoea can be symptomless too. You may, however, notice a yellowish discharge and it might sting a little when you pee.


It can take up to three months to appear. First, you’ll notice a painless sore at the site of the infection, which could be anywhere on your body, not just in the genital area. Later, you’ll develop some or all of the following; a rash that doesn’t itch, flat looking vaginal or anal warts, swollen glands, a loss of appetite, flu like symptoms, fatigue, a white, patchy mouth and tongue, and hairloss. The really scary part is that, while all these symptoms can clear up by themselves, the disease can lie dormant in your system for decades before damaging vitals such as your nervous system and heart. The good news is the above symptoms are easy to treat with a prescribed course of antibiotics. If you suspect you’ve picked up a little more than his phone number, get to a doctor – fast.

Genital Herpes

Spread not only by oral sex but also by close skin to skin contact, genital herpes symptoms are easy to spot – one or more red bumps that develop into blisters and later become itchy, painful sores. They might heal and vanish without a trace, but the virus lurks in your system forever, playing up at will. Fortunately, your doctor can prescribe intiviral medication to treat your symptoms and help to keep future outbreaks in check.


You know that Bill Gates and Donald Trump are billionaires. Most likely you have never heard of Bill Bartmann. Let me tell you, he is also a billionaire - just like Bill Gates and Donald Trump. What did they COMMON? All of them know the secret of their success resides deep in their heads. What are they doing that THEY KNOW NOT know? The answer: all of them know the secret of their success resides deep in their heads. They are not like most people, when they start to earn money.

If most people decide that they want more money, what do they do? You see some MAGIC program like money from home, the money on ebay, real estate, stocks, commodities, and so on. They desperately and wild buy a program after another. They flock from one seminar to another listening to the promises of gurus who tell them they make tons of money overnight! These people will receive this “hype” and are even cleverly “manipulated” in a state of motivation, THAT YOU FEEL so good, they also buy more books, cassettes and CDs from these seminars. Then they go home, they try a few things and the reality sets in. It is not everything, as they say. They find they can not make money, despite all the promises of the gurus, which itself is not about money. “What’s wrong?”, Questions her. Their answer, “That stupid program I bought not work.” Then they turn around and start looking for another program to buy and try. And they keep on this endless, vicious loop forever. Are all of these programs really that bad? Some are. Others are excellent and have the potential to make huge sums of money for those who buy them. Would Bill Gates, Donald Trump and Bill Bartmann success and make huge sums with the same programs? Yes. But WHY? You have the right to finance Blueprint. But read on.

Faith and the universal law of attraction.

The Universal Law of Attraction “states that one in itself attracts the people, the things, the conditions and experiences, with the belief holds a deep in his subconscious mind. These deeply-rooted beliefs are materializing as a state of health, bank accounts, jobs, homes, girlfriends, wives, friends, and everything else one experiences during a trip to this physical dimension. “The deep-rooted beliefs in our minds Subconscious create our own reality.” The law of life is the law of faith, which is another name for the Universal Law of Attraction. That is a truth that very few people know and understand.

At this point, it is important to clarify that the Subconscious mind, the deep-rooted convictions and “materialized” AS them your reality. Therefore, we were able to determine that “Your beliefs create your reality.” More specifically, but “YOU are creating your reality by faith accept and hold in your subconscious.” Convictions are the tools used by you for this creation. From that moment on, any time you click on a statement like “Your beliefs create your reality ‘, One must always materialize at all levels of the existence of the sum of all convictions (both known and unknown) he holds in his subconscious mind.

Your self-image

Your self-image is, as you and your world, what about yourself and your world what you think about yourself and your world what you believe about yourself and your world - in the INSIDE of your head. Your self-image is made up of what you see, think, feel and believe to absolutely true about themselves and their world, not only on the conscious level, but on the plains DEEPEST your being completely out of the consciousness. It is the TOTAL your beliefs, values and rules, and the associated images, sensations, feelings and emotions. Another name for your exact self-image is IDENTITY, your real ID. Your self image is the blueprint or PHOTOGRAPH OF YOU that you carry wherever you go. Your self-image is the kind of person you think you are, your identity. It was in your subconscious, which is as true or false about you and your world. Your self image DECISION whether you healthy or ill, whether you are rich or poor, whether you win or encounter women, regardless of whether you are a winner or a loser, smart or super-smart or stupid. Her body, interior, finance, relationships and your whole world PRECISE AT THIS MOMENT are nothing more than the VISIBLE, physical materialization of your internal self-image. Your self-image is the REAL you, your true identity. It determines what you can or can not achieve what we may or may not have what you are trying to achieve, and what to avoid, what and how you think, your attitudes and behaviors. It determines your health, the quality of your relationships, the “nature” of women and connects you win, your “good” or “bad” Fortunately, the amount of money in your bank account (s), what kinds of talents, skills and features that you have any positive or destructive habits. It determines whether you are bold and outrageous or shy, timid, insecure person. It dictates whether you are good at math or art, or nothing. It determines whether you are earning good money, or you can hardly survive from one paycheck to the next.

Your money blueprint

Your self-image can be divided into mini-self-images, one for every other area of your life. This corresponds to the money / financial area is known as your financial self-image. Some refer to them as cash or financial Blueprint Blueprint.

The first and very WRONG what the vast majority of people do in order to make more money is wild and desperate to buy every book and CD, and try all the “rich” programme at home to work for money at home, money online, make money on ebay, or investments in real estate, stocks and commodities. Thousands and thousands of people already tried, the programs WORKED VERY HARD for a while, just to give FAIL miserably because they know, YOU ARE NOT ALREADY PRE-PROGRAMMED FOR FINANCIAL FAILURE. Probably, YOU are one of them.

Most people have absolutely no CLUE that their financial futures contracts are already preprogrammed WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT AND KNOW deep in their subconscious computers, the personal on-board computers they have. Their financial self-image ( “Money blueprints”) are already on the financial FAILURE SET.

Therefore, these people REPELLENTS money, and no matter how much they learn how much they know, how smart they think they are, what they do, how they work, HARD, or what they are in business, they are all doomed to FAIL again and again.

Is your computer Subconscious set / pre-PROGRAMMED to send you a few hundred, a couple of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions or billions of dollars? I bet that your computer Current Subconscious SET YOU to fight for and produce only a few thousand dollars, maybe even less - perhaps even permanently broke. The real terrible SAD news is that you never spend more money than the current settings in your computer, you can Subconscious. That is the reason why you deal with all kinds of money problems and limitations. It does not matter what you try, what they do, how smart you think you are, how big your talents, skills and abilities, or what kind of business you in. face the truth: Your computer is Subconscious for financial SET FAILURE. And financial FAILURE, all you will continue to receive, unless you train again.

To get rid of your money problems once and for all needs YOU RE-TRAIN Subconscious your computer so you automatically THINK like a millionaire by “PROGRAMMING” to “IT” Millionaire Secrets of the Mind millionaires, multi-millionaires and billionaires, then SET ” IT “to win in the millions or billions, not just thousands, or a few hundred, or close to nothing - like most people do. Everything else will FAIL.

Finding out what your money Blueprint

To help you, here is a brief and simplified method allows you immediately. (From “Millionaire Mind reprogramming Course”).

Here are some peaceful, quiet time where you are not disturbed. Then open the workbook (or a notebook of your choice) and write as a title at the top of a brand new page:

My current MONEY.BLUEPRINT Start by asking yourself these questions KEY relationship with MONEY. Their job is to write down everything you see, think, feel and think about themselves and MONEY. Write everything, check whether it is positive or harmful. Really go for it and dig as much information as possible from your computer Subconscious.

1) “How / what I feel and think / feel about me and the money?” Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. If satisfied, go to the next question.

2) “What I am happy with the money?” Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. . If satisfied, go to the next question.

3) “I am like the WHO with the money?”

Most likely, follow the same financial ‘blueprint of your parents. Were they spenders or savers? Maybe avoiders? (She tries to deal with as little money as possible) Did they know how to manage their money or bad? Did you know about investing? Did they invest or not? Did they teach, how to handle money? Are you duplicate their “BAD” money habits? Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. If satisfied, go to the next question.

4) “What experience do I recall that my convictions about money?” Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until all possible answers. . If satisfied, go to the next important issue

5) Is my subconscious mind SET immediately earn. / Make hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions? Now you write in your workbook everything to your mind. Hold that question until you are sure that you have exactly the bandwidth of the dollar Subconscious your mind, you can earn / make.

6) “Where the money come in the following list?” Put VALUES following in order of importance to you: health, love, security, safety, comfort, honesty, Finance (Financial Success), Integrity, learn. If the money is not among the top 3, then give money very little importance, it is not important enough for you, which means that one is always something.

After the completion of this exercise. Organize your list. Remove all the answers, which are outdated. Combining 2-3 replies in a similar, if possible. Then, the sequential number of each item in your list. Finally, place a (+) next to each item you as a PLUS to achieve financial success, and a (-) next to every item that you as a MINUS, LOADS to achieve financial success.

This list is your blueprint MONEY in written form. All, the (-) are limited in your ability to be financially successful. The more

(-), which you have, the more you are limited in your ability to achieve great financial success. In simple words, your finances Blueprint STINKS.

Unless and until you learn how to program and re-re-set your financial self-image (Money Blueprint) to success by all, the (-) MINUSES and add the (+) PLUSES the Millionaire Mind of Multimillionären, They continue to make more money problems. And FORGET about a millionaire.

Leo Foster is in a mission to make the process of making money and being a Millionaire not only EASY but also FUN. You may contact him at There you will find the BEST and FASTEST techniques and tools available, the “Millionaire Mind Reprogramming Course”, so that you can learn how to EASILY DOWNLOAD that ‘Millionaire Mind’, and start to ‘ believe, think, behave and achieve the success of the millionaires — or in a smaller home based businesses if that is your goal.


Dating is not an easy thing for a lot of people. When you are out there trying to be sure that you are getting all that you can from this one deal you can see that you have to work it all out and make the right change.

We have to be sure that we are going to get all that is positive in this notion because of the fact that you have to work the deals in the right way. More and more people are going to be placing the finest positions on those items and concepts that allow for them to get things done faster and without all the problems that will normally come about.

Through this whole process they are going to have to spend some time working it out and then managing the position as it goes along. That is the best idea for the people to make a change in the way that things are done from that point forward.

We all want to have the most positive dating experience ever and speed dating is one of those times. With speed dating you are getting all that you need from the dating experience without all the hassle that you normally would find. This is something that is going to be positive because of the fact that you have the choices that you need without having to worry about the long drawn out dating process.

We can see that we are getting all that is positive from this deal by simply working to make a change in the way that things are done. We need to be sure that we are working it all out and then moving forward to be positive in the notion that we have it all in line.

Several Dates
The idea of speed dating is very simple. You can see that you are going to have several dates all at one time. In doing so you are going to have the choices that you need. This is going to help you make a change in the way that you are working with the deals because of the fact that you have the best overall situation in the world.

When you are working with the deals that are helping you become the finest of all people you can see that speed dating is going to save you a lot of time and energy that you would normally have to expel. This will put fourth the best effort for you as you are making the change and so on.

Then you have the privacy of speed dating. All in all you are getting the best of the best from the speed dating process because you do not have to reveal the personal details of your life to anyone.

You are allowed to choose who you want and when you want to meet them. This is going to be a place where you are allowed to make a choice that is more appealing. That is also the time to move forward with the entire process and make a better change for the dating experience that you have


Within this article today, we are going to look at a couple of different ways that you can make money by creating an online business opportunity. We’ll spend the bulk of our time looking at eBay with a small amount of space looking at making money through Adsense.EBay is a major source of income for many people in the United States and it is a great way for you to get started when selling online. The easiest way to get started is to look around the house and find things that you do not need and try and sell those online. What you want to do when looking at creating an online business opportunity with eBay is to figure out how you can sell each item for the most amount of money that you possibly can. To do this requires creativity and teaching yourself to write good sales copy. After you have sold several of your products through eBay that were sitting under house, start looking for items that you could sell on a regular basis.

Another way to make money online by creating online business opportunities is to put Adsense ads on your website. Google has a program where you can put ads on your website and any person who clicks on those ads is sent to the advertiser’s page and you are paid a small amount for that. It can be a great way to make a little bit of extra money every month but you can learn how to better optimize your pages by using some of Google’s suggestions.

One of the hottest programs out there is the Lawn Chair Millionaire Program. It is a home based business that will allow you to earn residual income. When you are doing this, from a home based business, it means that you are able to take care of yourself, long after you’ve actually done the work. With the Lawn Chair Millionaire Program, marketing strategies help you to set up the program, and help you continue to earn money. This is the type of situation that you have always wanted to find yourself in, and working at a home based business can finally give you the freedom that you’ve always wanted.

The Lawn Chair Millionaire program is something that the hottest home based business online nowadays. This can be your way to financial success, and to the freedom that comes from being your own boss and deciding your own destiny. By joining the Lawn Chair Millionaire program, you’ll be able to finally have the time that you’ve always needed, and the money that you’ve always wanted. The focus on Lawn Chair Millionaire is that it is a very low cost and low risk way for you to get your feet wet, and the best of all, it only required a low start up cost and the income potential is unlimited without much work to be done.

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1. The theory of warfare tries to discover how we may gain a preponderance of physical forces and material advantages at the decisive point. As this is not always possible, theory also teaches us to calculate moral factors: the likely mistakes of the enemy, the impression created by a daring action, yes, even our own desperation. None of these things lie outside the realm of the theory and art of war, which is nothing but the result of reasonable reflection on all the possible situations encountered during a war. We should think very frequently of the most dangerous of these situations and familiarize ourselves with it. Only thus shall we reach heroic decisions based on reason, which no critic can ever shake. Any person who may present this matter differently to Your Royal Highness is a pedant, whose views will only be harmful to you. In the decisive moments of your life, in the turmoil of battle, you will some day feel that this view alone can help where help is needed most, and where a dry pedantry of figures will forsake you.

2. Whether counting on physical or moral advantages, we should always try, in time of war, to have the probability of victory on our side. But this is not always possible. Often we must act AGAINST this probability, SHOULD THERE BE NOTHING BETTER TO DO. Were we to despair here, we would abandon the use of reason just when it becomes most necessary, when everything seems to be conspiring against us. Therefore, even when the likelihood of success is against us, we must not think of our undertaking as unreasonable or impossible; for it is always reasonable, if we do not know of anything better to do, and if we make the best use of the few means at our disposal. We must never lack calmness and firmness, which are so hard to preserve in time of war. Without them the most brilliant qualities of mind are wasted. We must therefore familiarize ourselves with the thought of an honorable defeat. We must always nourish this thought within ourselves, and we must get completely used to it. Be convinced, Most Gracious Master, that without this firm resolution no great results can be achieved in the most successful war, let alone in the most unsuccessful. Certainly this thought frequently occupied the mind of Frederick II during his first Silesian wars. Because he was familiar with it he undertook his attack near Leuthen, on that memorable fifth of December, and not because he believed that his oblique formation would very likely beat the Austrians.

3. In any specific action, in any measure we may undertake, we always have the choice between the most audacious and the most careful solution. Some people think that the theory of war always advises the latter. That assumption is false. If the theory does advise anything, it is the nature of war to advise the most decisive, that is, the most audacious. Theory leaves it to the military leader, however, to act according to his own courage, according to his spirit of enterprise, and his self-confidence. Make your choice, therefore, according to this inner force; but never forget that no military leader has ever become great without audacity.


Your application letter is one of your most important job-search documents. An effective letter can get you a phone call for an interview, but a poorly written application letter usually spells continued unemployment. The difference can be a matter of how you handle a few key points. The following are some tips to help you develop effective application letters.

Individualizing Your Letter

Give your readers some insight into you as an individual. In the example below the writer chose to describe particular experiences and skills that could not be generalized to most other recent graduates. Draft your letter to show how your individual qualities can contribute to the organization. This is your letter, so avoid simply copying the form and style of other letters you've seen. Instead, strive to make your letter represent your individuality and your capabilities.

Addressing a Specific Person

Preferably, the person you write to should be the individual doing the hiring for the position you're seeking. Look for this person's name in company publications found at the University Placement Service, the Krannert Business Library, or the Reserve Desk in the Undergraduate Library. If the name is unavailable in these places, phone the organization and ask for the person's name or at least the name of the personnel manager.

Catching Your Reader's Attention

Your introduction should get your reader's attention, stimulate interest, and be appropriate to the job you are seeking. For example, you may want to begin with a reference to an advertisement that prompted your application. Such a reference makes your reason for contacting the company clear and indicates to them that their advertising has been effective. Or you may want to open by referring to the company's product, which you want to promote. Such a reference shows your knowledge of the company. Whatever opening strategy you use, try to begin where your reader is and lead quickly to your purpose in writing.

First Paragraph Tips Make your goal clear.

  • If you're answering an advertisement, name the position stated in the ad and identify the source, for example: "your advertisement for a graphic artist, which appeared in the Chicago Sun Times, May 15, 1998,..."
  • If you're prospecting for a job, try to identify the job title used by the organization.
  • If a specific position title isn't available or if you wish to apply for a line of work that may come under several titles, you may decide to adapt the professional objective stated in your resume.

Additionally, in your first paragraph you should provide a preview of the rest of your letter. This tells your reader what to look for and lets him or her know immediately how your qualifications fit the requirements of the job. In the example letter, the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to specific work experience that is detailed in the following paragraph.

Highlighting Your Qualifications

Organize the middle paragraphs in terms of the qualifications that best suit you for the job and the organization. That is, if your on-the-job experience is your strongest qualification, discuss it in detail and show how you can apply it to the needs of the company. Or if you were president of the Marketing Club and you are applying for a position in marketing or sales, elaborate on the valuable experience you gained and how you can put it to work for them. If special projects you've done apply directly to the job you are seeking, explain them in detail. Be specific. Use numbers, names of equipment you've used, or features of the project that may apply to the job you want.

One strong qualification, described so that the reader can picture you actively involved on the job, can be enough. You can then refer your reader to your resume for a summary of your other qualifications. If you have two or three areas that you think are strong, you can develop additional paragraphs. Make your letter strong enough to convince readers that your distinctive background qualifies you for the job but not so long that length will turn readers off. Some employers recommend a maximum of four paragraphs.

Other Tips

  • Refer to your resume. Be sure to refer to your enclosed resume at the most appropriate point in your letter, for example, in the discussion of your qualifications or in the closing paragraph.
  • Conclude with a clear, courteous request to set up an interview, and suggest a procedure for doing so. The date and place for the interview should be convenient for the interviewer. However, you're welcome to suggest a range of dates and places convenient to you, especially if you travel at your own expense or have a restricted schedule. Be specific about how your reader should contact you. If you ask for a phone call, give your phone number and the days and times of the week when you can be reached.
  • Be professional. Make sure your letter is professional in format, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. Maintain a courteous tone throughout the letter and eliminate all errors. Remember that readers often "deselect" applicants because of the appearance of the letter.
  • Seek advice. It's always good idea to prepare at least one draft to show to a critical reader for comments and suggestions before revising and sending the letter.


You might be best friends one year...pretty good friends the next year... don't talk that often the next year... and don't want to talk at all the year after that...

So, I just wanted to say,even if I never talk to you again in my life,
you are special to me and you have made a difference in my life,
I look up to you, respect you, and truly cherish you. Send this to all your friends,
no matter how often you talk or how close you are,and send it to the person who sent it to you.
Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them,and tell new friends you never will.

Remember, everyone needs a friend, someday you might feel like you have NO FRIENDS at all.


Keep this in mind! This is for all: the recently married, the ones who have been married, the soon to get married, and the ones who are still looking.Years ago, I asked God to give me a spouse, "You don't own because you didn't ask," God said. Not only I asked for a spouse, but also explained what kind of spouse I wanted. I want a nice, tender, forgiving, passionate, honest, peaceful, generous, understanding, pleasant, warm, intelligent, humorous, attentive, compassionate and truthful spouse. I even mentioned the physical characteristics I dreamt about. As time went by I added the required list of my wanted spouse. One night, in my prayer, God talked to my heart "My servant, I cannot give you what you want" I asked, "Why God?" God said "Because I am God and I am fair. God is the truth and all I do are true and right" I asked "God, I don't understand why I cannot have what I ask from you?" God answered, "I will explain. It is not fair and right for Me to fulfil your demand because I cannot give something that is not your own self. It is not fair to give someone who is full of love to you if sometimes you are still hostile, or to give you someone generous but sometimes you can be cruel, or someone forgiving; however, you still hide revenge, someone sensitive; however, you are very insensitive...." He then said to me "It is better for Me to give you someone who I know could grow to have all qualities you are searching rather than to make you waste your time to find someone who already have the qualities you want. Your spouse would be bone from your bone and flesh from your flesh and you will see yourself in her and both of you will be one. Marriage is like a school. It is a life-long an education. It is where you and your partner make adjustment and aim not merely to please each other, but to be better human beings and to make a solid teamwork. I do not give you a perfect partner, because you are not perfect either. I give you a partner with whom you would grow with."